Tuesday 27 November 2012

Making Conflict Visual

Workplace Conflict, in varying forms, is consistently on the rise.  Yet, many organisations have yet to take stock of the havoc that unaddressed conflict can wreak on an organisation.  Whilst most of us are aware of the formal outputs of conflict, little is understood about the less tangible outputs.

Allow us to illustrate with an example.  50% of employees involved in conflict will leave the organisation as a direct result.  Given that most workplace conflicts are not based in rights and wrongs, but in personality clashes, misunderstandings and relationship breakdowns; can your organisation afford to lose key talent in this, entirely preventable and unnecessary way? 

But how to help organisations recognise that workplace conflict causes more than just grievances, disciplinaries and tribunals?  Well, here at People Resolutions, we thought we’d bust out the company crayons, channel our best Rolf Harris impression and bring the real impacts of conflict to you in full technicolour with our very first infographic.

Check it out and tell us what you think“Can you tell what it is yet?”…….Good huh?!