Friday 14 December 2012

New Year's Conflict Resolution: Understanding Mediation

Christmas may be drawing near but activity at People Resolutions HQ is showing no signs of winding down just yet. We're putting the finishing touches to a new publication – Workplace Mediation: Top 10 Tips for HR Professionals – that will join a growing library of digital resources when it hits the website shelves in early 2013.

Aimed at those exploring the use of workplace mediation (firstly, we salute you), the guide walks through some critical considerations to be made before, during and after each mediation. Alongside the success factors, it also highlights common pitfalls to avoid and thereby protect the parties and organisation from potentially serious risk.

We were keen to distill a lot of the mediation best practice we've picked up over the years into something of immediate application to HR practitioners. During the planning stage, it was also important to us that the guide doesn't take longer than drinking a cup of coffee to read.

By the same token, we'll be conveying the advice within the guide in a 1-hour online presentation, on 16th January 2013. Click here to register and listen in from your computer.

As we reach the end of the production process, from ideas generation and copywriting to proofing and design, we're excited to announce the release of the guide in late January. For now, you can scan through the tips in summary form and concentrate on finishing up for the holidays.

This is us signing off until 2013 so we wish you a very Merry (and conflict-free!) Christmas and a Happy New Year.