Monday, 14 January 2013

Mediation Webcast for HR Professionals - Attend for free on Wed 16th Jan at 15:00

A taster of the Top Tips we’ll be covering in the webcast

Last week we shouted about our exciting webcast on mediation and to give you just a little taster of what is to come we thought we would give you a sneak peek of some of the tips we’ll be covering in more detail on Wednesday 16th January at 3pm. 

Our conflict experts will be sharing honest, practical advice about how to employ mediation successfully in your organisation – and just as important, the key pitfalls to avoid. Sign up now to secure your place. 

But just to spark your interest- here are the first five top tips which will be covered, along with the next five at the webcast.
1. No surprises- Lay the ground work
Early informal one to ones with line managers or HR are essential for gaining a better understanding of the scope and nature of the issues, but they should not take the place of the mediation itself
2. Position mediation positively and you have given a good resolution a real chance
The timing and framing of a safe mediation are pivotal in gaining agreement to take part
3. Can you hear me now?
It’s easy to underestimate the value of one-to-ones with the mediator in paving the way for an effective joint session
4. Protect the process at all costs
Mediation is constructive and future-focused; it is not a vehicle for reprimand, or one that leads to a pre-determined outcome. Create a safe, respectful environment to allow constructive discussion to take place
5. Slow down detective: mediation is not an investigation
The two processes are polar opposites in purpose and approach. Make sure the parties are also clear on the differences

Join us on Wednesday to hear these points and more addressed in our one-hour webcast. Sign up here!
You will also have priority access to the accompanying digital whitepaper on workplace mediation- released exclusively to webinar attendees after the session, so don’t miss out and pre-register for your copy

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Workplace conflict- Can you handle the truth?

In 2010, the costly and potentially damaging truth was that poorly managed workplace conflict was costing UK businesses around £24 billion every year (OPP and CIPD), a cost which for many is largely reducible.
The facts really bring to light the importance of nipping conflict in the bud early through mediation.

More than ever, workplace mediation is paramount to effectively managing conflict, with the entire workforce needing to play their part in planning for and preventing conflict, or resolving it promptly and reasonably.

We have a fantastic opportunity to join the discussion and hear from our team at our upcoming free webcast next week, on Wednesday 16th January 2013 at 3pm GMT.

The hour-long presentation and Q&A will cover the top 10 take away tips on mediation and really is a must for any HR practitioner wanting to understand the Hows and Whys of workplace mediation.

You can sign up for free online here and all you need is a computer/laptop and some headphones if you don’t want to disturb your colleagues.

Also supporting our session will be the release of our free digital whitepaper, ‘Workplace Mediation: Top 10 Tips for HR Professionals’, which will be available post webcast. To be the first to receive the PDF, please click here.

Here at People Resolutions, we pride ourselves on our expertise and have helped many organisations to gain a handle on workplace conflict but providing mediation, investigation and training services through our network of UK-wide specialists, so listen in and take advantage of the Q&A at the end of the session too.
We look forward to presenting to you then.

For further details on the session or to find out more about our services please contact us on