Monday, 30 April 2012

Collaboration during the recession

It's well understood that the way in which employees work together can make or break an organisation.  A collaborative culture – where staff actively draw upon others' respective skills, positive communication is encouraged and conflict eschewed – is one that all businesses strive to foster given the advantages it brings.

The reality, however, is that even the most collaborative of organisations are finding it almost impossible to maintain this kind of healthy culture in the midst of a recession. Which, for at least the time being, is here to stay.

So how does the current recession effect collaboration within an organisation?  The main breaking point is the stress that it creates for employees.  Sales may be harder to come by whilst organisational costs sky-rocket due to the increased costs of fuel and other commodities.  In short the pressure is mounting and it sits firmly on shoulders of those who should be leading collaboration efforts – management.

As a result, it’s hardly surprising that any focus on collaboration pales in comparison to the need to generate sufficient cashflow to secure the survival of the organisation. On the flip side, neglecting to nurture an engaged, motivated workforce will generate its own financial drains, whether it be through increased conflict to deal with (the more formal the more costly), high turnover and absence, low productivity, and loss of key talent, to name just a few.

Our advice?  By all means focus on improving and maintaining the business figures, but remember that your workforce is a key part of your business and ultimately its survival through the recession. So get everyone working collaboratively in the direction of your business objectives.