Wednesday 10 July 2013

Conflict is normal – replacing negative narrative with positive stories

Conflict is all over our papers, screens and social media – a global phenomenon. Conflict voyeur programmes like Big Brother and Jeremy Kyle incite participants to disagree knowing that we will all watch thinking smugly that we are better than that. Resolution is a far less frequent visitor to our screens than conflict.

Conflict is dramatic and to some compelling and involving. But it need not always be so negative, so scary. Conflicts within the context of our own working and personal lives are within our control. They are normal consequences of empowered citizens and diverse working communities. Different people sometimes fall out. If we accept that conflict happens then for sure there will be solutions out there too.

In the workplace over the last 25 years I have seen panic when conflict happens, treating it like a disease of illness. People freeze, fight or run away. I also have massive personal experience of a more positive approach to conflict based on early win/win resolution where managers have boldy stayed impartial, set up mediation-style meetings and transformed working relationships. I know of external mediators who have settled long-term disputes over working conditions and restored confidence and capability. Even when some bad behaviour has alienated a team and provoked calls for ‘justice’ I have seen an independent investigation lead to positive change through clear evidencing of the bad behaviour and an onset of restorative work like coaching or training.

Resolutions reduce the fear and anger around conflict. They also demonstrate how conflict can be a positive force for growth and change. The challenge for conflict resolvers out there is to replace the damaging negative stories around conflict with positive ones. Perhaps what we really need is a blockbuster movie which shows conflict AND resolution – Win Hard, The Texas Cando Mediator, Harry Potter and the Resolution Stone, Despicable Mediator 2 ?