Monday 1 July 2013

Reframing Resolution - The ABC Approach to Workplace Conflict Resolution (A taster ahead of next week’s launch)

The ABC approach is based around three new reflective metaphors designed to help you think about where you are, what works and what else you need to do to manage conflict at work successfully.  

·         Using Resolution Architecture - to design a resolution-ready workplace.
  • Introducing or enhancing Resolution Building Blocks to increase resolution capacity, introduce resolution efficiency measures and reduce the cost of conflict
  • Changing the Resolution Climate - moving from conflict reactive behaviour and thinking to a conflict resolution culture
 Over the next few months we will be releasing some really useful guides using this approach.

Resolution Architecture 
I’ve developed this term to encourage reflection on the processes, structures, systems, physical environment, social media that house, give context to and condition individual, team and collective workplace conflict resolution behaviours and thinking.

Like architecture in general, resolution architecture sometimes works and sometimes does not achieve its intended purpose. Resolution architecture is often an accident of occurrence rather than design. Over time fashions change and architecture is particularly prone to the influence of strong powerful people and of fashion. Resolution architecture is the same.

For example most grievance procedures give structure and context to conflict conversations but they were designed in a time of deep industrial unrest with significant mistrust between employer and employee. These processes need a new design, an architectural update.

Architecture is also about accommodating improvements in technology and it is important to reflect on how on-line and e-communication can both encourage conflict and assist in its resolution. I suggest you include that if you are redesigning up to date resolution architecture.

Resolution Building Blocks ™
These are the practical, substantive measures that can be introduced to create a resolution capacity where there is none, or improve existing capability. Without building blocks architecture becomes a fictional pursuit. They put the substance into the concepts and ideas. In tough times spending is tight but be reassured many resolution building blocks do not cost a fortune. Nor are they for big organisations only. A wide range of effective models and tips will be included in the Resolution Building Blocks section of the ABC Guide. For example the ‘Talk-it-Out’ resolution and mediation model; the RESPECT model of conflict coaching.

Resolution Climate™
Resolution Climate™ describes the more intangible aspects of atmosphere, culture, habit and circumstance that conditions how we feel and think about conflict at work. Unlike the weather Resolution Climate is susceptible to control. In Section Four of the guide we will be looking at what characteristics and values need to be developed to encourage a resolution culture. Initial research suggests that there are some organisational characteristics more conducive to mediation than others (1) such as how ‘democratic’ or ‘communitarian’ an organisation is.

You may already have in place some of the ingredients conducive to a Resolution Climate. We will be inviting you to share your experience of creating a conflict resolution climate. Many organisations across a range of sectors are starting to use mediation more and have some Resolution Architecture and Building Blocks in place. The Army and Barnardo’s; Citi Bank and the Greater London Authority; NHS Grampian and several private schools. At first glance these organisations could not be more different in terms of sector, values and purpose but they have all funded mediation.

One thing they share is the ability to substantiate the business case for mediation and raise resources. They also share some belief that win/win and not win/lose resolutions have a value for working communities.  The ability to engage stakeholders, and building resolution awareness and commitment is also a key ingredient these organisation share.

For more information start collecting the ‘ABC Guide to Workplace Conflict Resolution’ available exclusively from People Resolutions Ltd – released in four monthly guides by signing up at

John Crawley

1)      Mediation: A critical analysis of the changing nature of dispute resolution in the workplace (BUIRA Conference June 28 2012) AJW Bennett