Monday, 17 June 2013

People Resolutions announce 'Conflict is normal – are you resolution ready?' whitepaper

People Resolutions are excited to announce our a new series of practical, positive white papers from John Crawley, the UK’s most prolific author and thought leader on workplace conflict resolution and mediation. These will build into the ABC Guide to Workplace Conflict Resolution aimed at helping people at work:

  • Change the way they think about conflict resolution
  • Change behaviour from conflict reactive to conflict proactive
  • Learn how to use Resolution Architecture™ to design a resolution-ready workplace
  • Create Resolution Building Blocks ™ to reduce the cost of conflict
  • Build a Conflict Resolution Climate ™ to enhance engagement, resilience and performance and move away from a conflict reactive environment which stops you working.
A series of articles will be published monthly from July 2013 containing strategic and practical advice based on 25 years of workplace resolution expertise. In those white papers John has also created 3 brand new reflective metaphors - ‘Resolution Architecture’, ‘Resolution Building Blocks’ and ‘Resolution Climate’ designed to bring insight into and change thinking around the challenges of workplace conflict.

The ABC Guide to Workplace Conflict Resolution will assist a wide range of organisations to:

·         Work through conflicts constructively to rebuild communication, restore trust and revive performance
·         Manage their conflict risk effectively 
·     Send a strong message to everyone in the workplace that there is a commitment to resolution and working together when things get tough
·         Aim for conflict resolution excellence
·         Address conflict early and avoid costly escalation
·         Take a fair, appropriately challenging approach when resolution is not possible or appropriate
·         Reduce resolution costs and introduce resolution improvement measures
·         Significantly reduce the cost of conflict at work
·         Resolve disputes within the workplace and get people back to work.
·         Make the most of resources that you invest in conflict resolution and get a good return on investment
·         Get on with one another and your work.

The white papers will be supported by regular videos, blogs, articles and webinars. 
Sign-up now here to be the first to be updated. 
Next week, our blog will be a preview before the July launch and publication.